Wings of Freedom
The New Generation of Light Paramotors is Born!

NEW: Miniplane LR! (long range)
Fly High - Fly Far! Fly Long Range!!

Do you have Flying Dreams?
Experience the Freedom of Powered Paragliding!
Chances are, you have seen these remarkable flying machines flying around somewhere, and have wanted to find out what all the buzz is all about. This sport is growing by leaps and bounds, and the Miniplane is by far the lightest, easiest and most reliable paramotor available today. A recent Independent Paramotor Owners Survey from 2011 shows the highest overall satisfaction of the Miniplane. Find a Miniplane Dealer near you!

Featuring the Powerful
The philosophy of a reliable mini-motor, combined with optimizing the resonance of the exhaust provides the pilot:
Light weight
Less vibration
Easier to start
Less fuel = less to carry
Less weight means a lighter frame
Less weight in flight means you can use a paraglider that is smaller and easier to inflate
Less weight gives you the ability to launch easier and under control - not struggling with a heavy load
The increase in performance of modern paragliders makes it possible to fly with almost one-half the power of a few years ago.
A little two-stroke engine, built with modern technology, can offer more then enough reliable power and much less weight. This makes the critical take-off run easier and safer.
Click the image to the right to see and download our new Miniplane-USA Brochure! Or, if you are ready to experience the Miniplane Paramotor first hand, contact us or find a DEALER near you!
Here's a great little video about Diego flying and making paramotors:
Our Best Sellers:

Miniplane Long Range
This new Paramotor is quieter, more economical, stronger, with the benefits of an airfoil style rigid cage!
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Miniplane Flex Cage
This Paramotor is the easiest, most reliable, most efficient and lightest unit available.
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The benefits of using USPPA Certified instructors
The government does not regulate paramotor instruction. No license is required and anyone can hang out a shingle calling themselves an instructor. The problem is, how does a new pilot know whether the individual or school follows safe practices, has a thorough training program or even has the knowledge and skills to teach students? That is why we have a certification program.
The USPPA syllabus covers all the essential knowledge and skills that we feel should be included during training for the PPG1 (first solo), PPG2 (pilot) and PPG3 (advanced pilot) stages. The PPG2 rating is what we consider the minimum for a pilot to be ready to set out on their own.
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From Free Flight to Paramotoring and vice versa...The Miniplane ABM Paramotor with the Low Hangpoint Weight Shift Harness allows the pilot to feel their glider and the air! Couple this lightweight, yet powerful motor with a modern efficient paraglider, and you have the recipe for much more airtime! Have a look at our Crossover Clinic designed specifically for those ready for more flying!
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